To report a sick or injured animal in Varanasi, contact us now.

Partner with us

Become an Organizational or Corporate Partner.

Companies, government, and NGOs can help by providing in-kind support, sponsorship, and team volunteer events. Show your team and community how much you care for Varanasi’s street animals and build team spirit!

Companies, government, and NGOs can help by providing in-kind support, sponsorship, and team volunteer events. Show your team and community how much you care for Varanasi’s street animals and build team spirit!

Partner inquiry


Thank you for your interest in partnering with us!

Our team will follow-up with you soon. If you need to discuss partnering opportunities urgently, please contact us at +91 7379845071, +91 9454947814 or +91 9431171929

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 2024 Varanasi for Animals

Privacy Policy

Is there a sick or injured animal or signs of animal cruelty in Varanasi? Contact us now!

For all other inquiries: +91 82997 64647 or send us an email.